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Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

(the pic is of a school project Nash and I did.)

A moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and best in the New Year. Your support and well wishes over the past couple years have been a blessing.

Happy and safe boating in 2013.

grebe and me.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

A Big Grin on my face!

There simply are no words ...

My sons first attempt with the oars
 (he did well, I had to tell him to come back before he got too far)

I remember one of the first times I was out in the Grebe with my son and the paddle wheel went by, giving us slow long waves. He loved it and wanted to do it again! "I hope the Paddle Wheel comes by again Dad.

Monday, 24 September 2012

yesterday and today ...

Took the grebe out for a row yesterday and today,
yesterday was sunny and hot and the water and wind were calm.
simply a wonderful row yesterday, a little fresh air and exersize does the body and mind good. Yesterday there was a RC boat club on the lake (about 15) and they had the perfect conditions as well. Lots of other boats of all kinds (no motors allowed). Except for the Patrol boat (Bruce), who pulled along side to say hello, real nice guy, he helped me with my rigging when I was setting up the sail for the grebe. Held the boat for me today while I looked for my gloves in the hatches :) (turned out I left them in the crush). We were probably about 1/2 mile from the doc and he spotted to part of the dock floating around us, he of course fished it out. Always a pleasure to meet a smiling friend on the water.

Today was even better...
A girl-friend of mine came along with me. She loved it! The sky was hazy with a bit of a sun-glow, kind of a smoky look to it, very nice, and the water was pretty much glass. I was in good company and we had a few wonderful hours just rowing around.
A few other boats, the Paddle-wheel (Moyee) past by, along with the heritage Train at the top of the hill whislting away and blowin smoke.

but wait... what this!?
awe yes..., how wonderful but to see a Pied Billed Grebe!
the very duck I aspired the name of my boat. I took it as a good sign, and later on we came across 3 more grebe's. It appeared they were bathing and diving into the weeds just below the water.

I know this probably sounds repetitive by now but there something about going for a row on a sunny day that is calming, decompressing, soothing, fun, interesting, relaxing... and to be able to share those moments with friends and family is simply priceless.

Building the grebe is certainly one of the top 5 most rewarding and best decisions I have made in my life. and that my friends ... is awesome.

thanks for dropping by,


Wednesday, 19 September 2012

"Asking" the Grebe ... ... ...

Summer came a little late this year, but I pulled her out of storage and started working on the sail. The sail took me about 2 weeks to complete, I did some trial/practise patterns out of green industrial tarp for sizing. I did indeed stay with the specifications that Morten had provided.
Once again, may I say that Morten is awesome!

Once I felt I had it right, I bought some material and took it to a professional sewer for completion, gromits and all! *L*
 they did a great job.

Two weeks ago I sailed her!
I have to admit I was a little nervous ...
I got my Class II 10 years ago. *L*

the winds were about 10 - 15k.
and off I went...

She was very stable!, and I was surprised and how softly she moved.
I was delighted!
I sailed her both upwind and down.
the one difficulty I had was turning up wind (starboard in this case).
I had to turn to port, and come about ...
and once I did that ...
I was on my way ...

I was having the time of my life!
she sailed off at .. I don't know 2 - 3 knots *L* (I'm really not sure, seemed faster than say a walking pace), I sailed around for about an hour and told myself "this is sooooo great!" Every now and then a very strong gust would come along and letting out  the mainsheet worked well.

you know... when we created the grebe .... 
we built a row boat, we made her a guide boat,
an now we have given her a sail ...
how wonderful is she ....

When I was sailing the Grebe for the first time, there came a point where I simply sat back and relaxed, ever so gentling riding across the lake along with those wonderful sounds a wooden boat and the waters make!  with a gentle breeze of encouragement ...   I just let her go ... ... ...    It was as if I was "asking the Grebe" to show me what she's like?, and she responded by gently taking me along for a ride, it was absolutely perfect, and it was where I wanted to be. 

I was on my own for her maiden voyage, which was ok, I knew there may be some adjustments required and it was a good opportunity to see where some minor adjustments may be. (There where a couple for the Balance Rigging.) 
It is now fall so I must get back out there soon, I am hoping for this weekend and prospects are looking good. I will try go come up with some pics and video soon as well, (I feel she's presentable now)

i've been thinking about this email since I sailed her,
It feels good to finally send it.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

It needed to be done :), and that's not all!

Well, it's been a late start to the season (about a month late I'd say), and as some of you may know I've had a lot on my plate lately. However my holidays have arrived as of last Friday and I've been very busy working on the Grebe.

I should clarify a little ...
Some of the things I've been working on are things that needed to be done.
1. I got a new vehicle to tow the Grebe
2. I put a tow hitch on the new vehicle
3. I got a trailer for the Grebe ( a real nice Shoreland'r)

What can I say?
it coming along nicely I think. :)

and that's not all ...
I also been working hard on the balance sail, and I'm pleased to say that the sail, mast and rigging are all coming along nicely. I took my Sail material into a shop yesterday to be sown and have gromits put in. I made a couple of templates out of tarp to be sure that everything works, and for the most part I believe it does.

Its been a fantastic learning curve once again as of course I've never built and balance sail rig before. The other part of all this is that (like many of us) I had to stay within a budget so you find other ways to make things work. So I'm not going to the "sail shop" and buying pre-manufactured sails, masts and rigging ... Nope, I'm going to the hardware store and picking up materials that will do the job quite nicely at a much more affordable price. All going well I am to pick up my sail on Friday night.

If I said I wasn't nervous about sailing the Grebe, I'd surely be lieing *LOL*.
I haven't sailed in years, and in the same breath I am truly excited at the thought of taking the grebe out on a broad-reach! There is no doubt in my mind that the Grebe will sail, and you'll have to forgive me if I take baby-steps to start. I'm sure there will be some tweaking/testing involved a long the way.

All going well in the near future my post should be very interesting *L*
and will be one of "Sailing the Grebe!"

wish me luck :)

Sunday, 25 March 2012

thinking of the grebe ...

waiting for spring, and thinking about the grebe ...
I added it to the title page as well. I think it's a great pic of
of the suitably named ... "grebe".

Sunday, 18 March 2012

good news - boat stall

Well, the Grebe's been hanging out in a big metal barn for the winter, and will be there until the end of the month. From there she should spend a little while in the back yard for further work.

The good news is I've managed to get a boat stall down at the lake for the season! It will be so nice to "just" walk down and get the Grebe in the water. I'm really looking forward to the convenience. :)

The big plan for the summer is to get the sail on her.
I should note that it is still winter here, but spring is just around the corner!

Those are not waves *L*
the Reservoir is still frozen solid.


Glad I got a boat stall!